Wonersh and Shamley Green Church of England Primary School

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Guildford Road, Shamley Green, Surrey, GU5 0RT



Wonersh and Shamley Green Church of England Primary School

A Learning Adventure with Kindness

  1. Academic development
  2. Curriculum
  3. PSHEC

Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship (PHSEC)

Whilst we value academic progress, most of all we want our children to have all the skills and values to help them to become good people. Whole school assemblies push our values: Being kind to others, accepting, understanding and respectful, combined with always trying to achieve their personal best, through determination, resilience and encouragement. We recognise that these skills are all the cornerstones of the education we offer at WSG and we intertwine these values through all we do. This will be in whole-school assemblies, alongside all lessons in school. We aim for PSHE to be a prominent part of the curriculum, both through discreet lessons, but also throughout the whole curriculum. This is done through texts that are chosen, discussion in class and links to values in
most lessons.


We want our children to be accepting and understanding of difference. They are in an area of the UK which does not have a lot of diversity and so it is important to introduce the children to different races, religions, genders, sexualities, families and cultures to ensure they are aware. It is important for children to understand the struggles of minority groups and be able to promote acceptance and kindness, linking to our Christian values. Building on this, we want them to be global citizens; understanding the part they play in the world, the importance of protecting the environment and that there are many people who live in poverty around the world. We want them to know how they can help.


PSHEC (Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship) Curriculum    Year R to Year 6

RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Curriculum  Year R to Year 6

Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship Policy

Relationships and Sex Education Policy