Our Vision for Science
At Wonersh and Shamley Green Primary School, we want children to develop a lifelong love of and interest in science. We aim for children to gain a greater understanding of the world and the impact we have. Throughout the school, children are taught the knowledge they need to make sense of the environment around them. When confronted with a new concept or theories, children will have the confidence to explore these by asking questions as well as being equipped with the skills to conduct and evaluate investigations. Our teaching of science through outdoor learning enables the children to learn in a practical way as well as having an in-depth understanding of nature throughout the year.
In 2021, we were awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark in recognition of the high quality science teaching at the school. Our portfolio, which was submitted as part of the award process, can be accessed here - PSQM Portfolio 2021.
Science lessons teach scientific knowledge and the skills to work scientifically through practical enquiry based learning. The long term science teaching plans, which ensure progression through the school, are outlined in each year group:
Years 1 and 2 Years 3 and 4 Years 5 and 6